Here we have Hector Medina’s final report from the WFTC Poland 2018. The USA Piston Team – including Hector – placed first overall. Heading photograph above by Tyler Patner.
Well, as things often happen in life, surprise was the order of the day…
In the end, both the Piston and PCP competitions were reduced from three to two sessions because of the bad weather.
Our day started with a “late-ish” breakfast that we shared with our Canadian friends. We had word that Matt Bracket had to be present at the Sight-in range for a shoot off, so we all went to lend whatever moral support we could.
The shoot off for the first place in the Ladies Springer at the WFTC Poland 2018 was to take place and it was thrilling to see two accomplished ladies go head to head.
They both started by knocking down the sitting targets, then they proceeded to the kneeling position. In this position Regina Burviene shot down the two targets, but Helli Jalakas shot only one, and so the 1st place ladies belonged to Regina B. That’s Jelly shooting, below.
Then came the shoot off between Jan Henryk Homann a young shooter from Germany, and our own Matt Brackett.
Again they both shot the sitting targets and went to the kneeling position.
Jan shot quickly the first target and was shooting the second when Matt just missed the paddle by hitting the lip of the KZ at 9 O’Clock. And so Matt ended 6th at the WFTC Poland 2018.
After the shoot offs, we had a good lunch and we decided to do a little sightseeing so we went to the fortress at Ogrodzniece, small but interesting medieval castle. We then returned to the hotel.
After a rest and a spruce-up, the time came to show up for the awards ceremony. You can read the full, official list of results at the WFTC Poland 2018 site.
We had the normal good banter among shooters and friends, and after exchanging some shirts and caps (a tradition at WFTCs), I located the USA table and sat down, only to see everyone get up for food.
Along the waiting line, I had good conversation with the former Chairman of AAFTA, Leo Duran, and we commented how complicated organizing these things is, and that it will be the USA’s turn to host it around 2021.
A LOT of work needs to be done from now till then. Many ideas will need to be aired and discussed with open minds on all sides.
Food in hand we returned to the table and it was there that Matt Brackett commented that we should all congratulate ourselves on being the first Team USA to place First in a World’s!
I had to do a double take on what I had just heard because apart from Ray’s, Matt’s and Cameron’s, the other scores were not that good. Yes I had posted a 54 (out of 100 since the third day of shooting had been cancelled), but I didn’t think that that would be good for anything, but, boy was I wrong!
In the meantime, awards started to run by and Old Glory appeared time and again at the WFTC Poland 2018:
Greg Sauve won 1st place in Veteran’s PCP…
..while Lauren Parsons won 2nd place Ladies PCP.
Cameron Kerndt came in 10th in Piston, and this is his first World’s!
Ray Apelles came in 4th in Piston.
Matt Brackett came in 5th in Piston.
And when the time came for the awards of the Piston class Teams at WFTC Poland 2018, England came 3rd, followed by Germany in second and Team USA came in first.
The thrill and emotion that we all felt when the Star Spangled Banner started to play and we all joined in chorus is indescribable!!!
Some years ago I wrote that I did not want for the USA FT effort to produce stars, like other nations, that I admired Hungary for producing a solid core of shooters that placed on the top 3 of the Teams competition.
Below. Ferenc Sas won the PCP Open class, with Mark Bassett from Wales in second and Gianni Fabanelli of Italy third.
Well, after many years of hard work, mainly by all the Match Directors in the country, we have arrived to that point at the WFTC Poland 2018.
So, this medal is as much for all Match Directors whose hard work is what allows us shooters to shoot and practice under conditions that is the closest thing we can have to a serious Match on a monthly basis, as it is for us shooters.
Yes, we go through the trials and tribulations of traveling, the heat, the exhaustion, the rain, the seemingly impossible shots, and the drain on the brain that it is to keep focused for 5 to 7 hours, but without all of you, this would have NEVER been possible.
After all the WFTC Poland 2018 Team and Individual awards had been given out, it came the time to honor those that have blazed the trail of FT worldwide, and on this occasion it was awarded to Volker Blüm. One of FT’s Great Men that I had the chance to meet and befriend in Germany (if you have the time, read this note:
Sadly, Herr Blüm passed away a few months ago, but the award was sent on its way to Germany.
The WFTC Poland 2018 is now over. A lot of lessons should be learned on all sides. Only when you learn from what has happened can you truly say that it became an “experience”.
Much work is to be done.
Next year, the World’s will be held in “The Heart of England” and so competition will be fierce.
Let’s hope we can meet again our friends and live together through new obstacles and difficulties because, after all, what is life without problem solving?
If you are interested in shooting for Team USA, then start by making contact with your nearest FT Club, and/or the AAFTA contact page…
Thanks again to Hector Medina for all his work in bringing us the news from WFTC Poland 2018! Here’s his previous report.
The post Final Results From The WFTC Poland 2018 appeared first on Hard Air Magazine.